Happy Hour

August 21st, 2013|

My wife used to be a teacher before she left her job to stay at home with our daughter. When she was teaching I remember going to many teacher happy hours with her coworkers. For some reason I've represented a disproportionately large amount of nurses and teachers for DWI. I'm pretty sure I'd drink too [...]

Have your Drivers License and Auto Insurance Ready

August 14th, 2013|

My wife and I have auto insurance that renews in July. I'm an organizational nut and have the auto insurance cards laminated and highlighted ready to go in the glove box. In addition to this, I shrink the insurance cards down to credit card size and laminate those so they're very easily accessed should an [...]

Firm Website

August 13th, 2013|

Happy 2015 and welcome to the new and improved GBAFirm.com. I hope that you are liking the new site layout. I wanted to take a moment to thank Lion’s Share Digital, an Austin web design company, for their work in getting the new website up and setup with our new hosting. Their knowledge of WordPress, social [...]

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