Do I need an Ignition Interlock Device?

A client called me worried about a letter she got from court after her recent arrest for DWI. The letter looked official and told her she had to get an ignition interlock device. The letter [...]

My Son’s Middle Name

The other day I had my secretary prepare a document requiring my son’s full name. I knew it was coming; it was just a matter of time. I initially thought she’d buzz me from her [...]

  • Court Apparel

Court Apparel: How [Not] to Dress for Success

The other day I was at work, and I couldn’t decide if I was in court or a people of Wal-Mart video (no disrespect to Wal-Mart intended—I shop there too). It always surprises me to [...]

  • MIP Offenses in Texas

The Scoop on DUI, MIC & MIP Offenses in Texas

In Texas there are many offenses that address minors using alcohol. The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code defines a minor as someone under the age of 21. The usual offenses I see are Driving Under the [...]

  • Counseling

Counseling Information

If you’re charged with driving while intoxicated, assault family violence, possession of marijuana, drug offenses, theft, shoplifting or practically any other offense the odds are pretty good that it will be a condition of your [...]